
Creating Content to Fit Your Search Engine Optimization Strategy

Content for your search engine optimization strategy

Search Engine Optimization Strategy

Content is key when it comes to search engine optimization strategy, but what is content? Most of the time content refers to text, but as the Internet
continues to evolve, content takes on other attributes that are just as important as text. Photographs, video, infographics, pictograms, and so much
more have become very important pieces of content.

SEO focuses on keywords and keyword phrases, because those are the tools that the search engine uses to rate the value of a page. Page value is equal
to reader experience and it is rated by the quality of the experience that readers express through clicks, links, and social media. The higher the
quality of experience, the higher the page will appear in the search index. To achieve that goal, you need content, but not just quality content. You
need content that wows your reader.

Content needs to be created for the reader, not the search engine. To create content for the reader, writers must produce content that appeals to
the reader’s emotional side. This may be achieved through humor, fascination, empathy, pride, and even anger. Text that works in conjunction with a
photo or video is an example of how to mix content to create a higher response. Subject matter is important, and the writing and the media must be
of the highest quality. Competition on the Internet is fierce. There is a massive amount of really good content out there that your site will have
to compete with for page rank. Succeeding online means creating content that out-performs all of your competition consistently.

Have a conversation with the team at Splash Omnimedia about your SEO content. We’ll be happy to provide
some tips and pointers after we take a look at your site.

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